The physio practice part 2

07.05.2024 Author: Leo Lising
Clinic Bondage Story

.. "I can never really switch off, really relax. I always have to do something. Something is always expected of me, and someone is asking about me! Maybe I should treat myself to a wellness weekend or at least a long massage! Maybe you can give me some advice, recommend a therapy or at least prescribe me a medication so that I can sleep better!" The man opposite her, whose coat had a name tag with the inscription "Dr. Michael K." on it, replied: "Well, we don't work with medication, chemicals or drugs at all! What we offer is actually just wellness in the broadest sense. We are concerned with giving our patients the opportunity to relax, to concentrate on themselves. Something like the mindfulness method that is so popular at the moment. We specialize above all in adding some, well, let's say, catalysts to this mindfulness therapy - and also to relaxation!"

"However, I'm still a little surprised that we don't have you on our treatment plan for today. You're coming on recommendation, you say? So what? Well, you're already here, and if it's okay with you, we'll have about two hours to see how you respond to our relaxation therapies. Would that suit you?" "I'd love to!" said Sara. "But how much is the fee?" she asked.

"Don't worry about that!" he replied. "Since you're here on a recommendation, the first therapy session is free for you! However, I'm not free for another two hours. If you don't mind waiting that long?"

Since Sara had decided to really get to the bottom of things and find out what was really going on in this physiotherapy practice, she agreed and said: "I can go and have a coffee during the 2 hours and then come back!"

Sara might want to slow down a bit now, because everything was happening too quickly and she hadn't been asked whose recommendation she had come on. When asked to come back in 2 hours, the doctor said: "You might want to do that, but I'm offering you the opportunity to wait here with us. We have individual waiting rooms and if you don't have anything urgent planned, you can use the 2 hours to prepare, to just sit back, ground yourself, let yourself go! Agreed?"

"Agreed!" said Sara. The doctor then pressed a call button on his phone and said: "Nurse Daniela! Please prepare a deep relaxation session for 12:30 p.m.! And please bring us a long-sleeved anorak for Mrs. What was the name? ... oh yes, right, Sara! So please bring us an anorak... hmmmm ... size M... for Sara!"

"Anorak? Why anorak?" asked Sara, but he seemed to have missed it or not to want to respond, because he said: "Our individual waiting rooms are very pleasant and warm and cozy! And you are alone there! That's why I suggest you take off everything except your underwear, because it will be more comfortable! To make sure you don't get cold, we have something fluffy to put on! But that doesn't detract from the comfort!"

At that moment, Sara felt a little tingly for the first time, but what else could she do but play along if she wanted to know exactly what was going on? And so she took off her clothes except for her bra, her little lace panties, a thong, all in white. While she did this, the doctor looked past her discreetly, without staring at her.As it should be.

At that moment the door opened and Sister Daniela came in. In front of her, unfolded in her hand, she was carrying what was obviously supposed to be the so-called long-sleeved anorak. Apparently made of sturdy natural cotton with sleeves that were far too long! There also seemed to be a whole series of straps attached to it. If Sara had been wearing trousers, her heart would have literally dropped into her pants when she realized what this anorak was all about! A straitjacket!!! Apparently a real and very sturdy straitjacket, which Sister Daniela held out for her to put on (with the closed side at the front and the buckle at the back). Daniela said: "Please stretch both arms out in front! Ready to get in??" "Excuse me?? You can't be serious!" said Sara, trying to give her rather frightened voice a firm and determined undertone. She heard the doctor behind her say: "It's a completely harmless procedure to give you time to concentrate on yourself and to free you!! Free you from the need to do anything. You described it yourself! And the material is not as hard as it looks, it's actually quite soft! Just touch it carefully!" .... sequel follows

- Ligoteur

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