The physio practice part 1
16.04.2024 Author: Ligoteur
Finally a new assignment! Actually a very simple one!
Although Sara was actually doing very well financially and was independent, she had a small side job that even her closest friends knew nothing about. This enabled her to live out her innate, exuberant curiosity and to generate a little pocket money from it! The term private detective would probably be an exaggeration, so she preferred to say that she "conducted personal research" for third parties upon request. And so, based on word of mouth, someone from her extended circle of acquaintances asked her to get to the bottom of something.
This acquaintance had complained that a physiotherapy practice had recently opened in the apartment next door to her in the Südallee residential complex, which was not entirely welcome by the neighbors and also seemed somewhat suspicious. Because the location for a physiotherapy practice was actually quite unusual and rather unacceptable, because there was only a tiny door sign and because only a few patients came and went each day. And they seemed somehow more shy, but also more deeply relaxed, than one would normally expect from a physiotherapy practice. Was this some kind of "establishment"? Sara's client had also found out that this practice was not in the phone book, could not be found on the Internet, and was not in any business directory. So she had commissioned Sara to find out what was going on behind these doors. Well, let's go! Sara thought that Thursday morning and just wanted to ring the doorbell and ask to be let in. The rest would work itself out. So she drove to the address mentioned, took the elevator to the second floor and actually stood in front of the apartment door in question, which had a bell and a small sign saying "Physiopraxis". The door was actually opened by a young lady of about 30 with medium-length brown hair, a pretty face and dressed all in white, as you would expect from medical staff. "I'm here on a personal recommendation!" said Sara and went in. "Strange, we weren't prepared for your visit!" said the young lady, who would later introduce herself as Daniela's assistant, and closed the door.
Cunning and curious, Sara immediately let her eyes wander down the corridor and found nothing unusual! There were two chairs in the hallway and two doors were marked "Treatment Room 1" and "Treatment Room 2". A third door had the inscription: "Deep relaxation & deceleration therapy". "As I said, we weren't expecting you!" said Daniela. "Please sit down on the chair here, I'll just ask the doctor if he has time for you at the moment." Sara was now in her element! That had gone unexpectedly quickly and she would certainly know very soon what kind of therapy was offered here when she spoke to the therapist.
After Sara had actually waited for a quarter of an hour, a fourth door in the corridor opened and she was asked to go into an office measuring about 18 square meters. Behind the desk sat a man, more of a gentleman, in his mid-50s. With short, dark blond hair that was already clearly trending towards gray. Sara estimated his height to be about 1.90 m, and despite the white coat he wore over his shirt and tie, she could see that he had a fairly athletic build. Probably an endurance athlete in the past or still is; most likely a swimmer, she thought.He wore fashionable but rather inconspicuous glasses. He had very well-groomed hands, which was typical for a doctor in his professional life, and she thought that in his private life he was more likely to be a musician than a golfer. "What brings you to me?" he asked, looking at her curiously. Of course she couldn't tell the truth here and had to improvise. And in doing so, she had to incorporate everything she had observed so far. "I'm here on the recommendation of a friend," Sara heard herself saying. She would have to improvise something non-specific now. On one of the doors there was something about slowing down and relaxing. "I'm very busy both professionally and privately!" said Sara. "I can never really switch off, really relax. I always have to do something. There's always something expected of me and someone is asking about me! Maybe I should treat myself to a wellness weekend or at least a long massage! Maybe you can give me some advice, recommend a therapy or at least prescribe me a medication so that I can sleep better!" In response to this, she said... sequel follows
- Ligoteur
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